Personality, psychological wellbeing and quality of life associated with health in Colombian women with fibromyalgia
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Bienestar psicológico
Calidad de vida asociada con la salud
Extraversión Fibromyalgia
Psychological wellbeing
Health-related quality of life


Objective. The present study aimed at evaluating and analyzing the correlations between normal personality ‒measured through the Big Five factors model‒, psychological wellbeing and health-related quality of life in a group of women diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Method. The design consisted of a quantitative ex post facto, cross-sectional and correlational study with 98 women. Results. 51.3% of participants showed high levels of neuroticism, 60.5% low levels of agreeableness, and 42.1% low levels of extraversion. Neuroticism correlated negatively with all dimensions of psychological wellbeing and most dimensions of quality of life. Personality factors and extraversion showed the best correlations with health-associated quality of life. Discussion. The present results suggest that high neuroticism, low extraversion and agreeableness are associated with adverse outcomes. These include poorer self-acceptance, relationships, autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth, purpose in life, physical and emotional role, mental health, and more perceived pain.
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