Declarative memory in older people with dementia, mild cognitive impairment, and controls
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Older adult
Cognitive functioning
Amnesia Envejecimiento
Adulto mayor
Funcionamiento cognitivo


Background. There is strong evidence that people with dementia show poor performance in declarative memory, relative to older healthy people. However, studies on possible differences in declarative (verbal) memory performance between patients with amnesic-type MCI and healthy patients are scarce, and the data are not conclusive. Objective. To determine the performance in declarative memory of three groups of older people; a) with probable dementia (n=63), b) MCI (n=20), and c) "healthy" (n=30). Method. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment and an instrument based on the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test were applied. Results. Differences in memory scores were observed between participants with dementia and those with MCI and "healthy", but not between these last two groups. Significant moderate and positive correlations were found between MoCA and remembered words. Discussion. Although the deficit in declarative memory occurs in the group with probable dementia as well as in the other two, it was not observed between the MCI group and the "healthy" controls. The results show that, in general, the participants with MCI do not show deficits in declarative memory, which can be attributed to the heterogeneity of the MCI. Therefore, the need arises to continue exploring the performance of declarative memory, differentiating by MCI subtyp.
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