The role of hurtful events and emotional regulation in the health-related quality of life of cancer patient
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Hurtful events
Emotional regulation
Quality of life
Cancer Eventos hirientes
Regulación emocional
Calidad de Vida


People with cancer face a series of changes resulting from the disease that not only involves the person who suffers it, but also their family, friends, and partner. Due to these changes in the lifestyle, it is that hurtful events can arise among them, which favor affective states that damage the health-related quality of life (CVS) of the person who perceives them, therefore, it is necessary to use strategies that regulate them. Due to this, we sought to identify the relationship between the experience of hurtful events and emotional regulation strategies with CVS, and to examine the differences depending on the type of hurtful event (jealousy, criticism, indifference, infidelity, lack of love and verbal violence or physical) in emotional regulation strategies and health in cancer patients. For this, 196 patients with some type of cancer and in a heterosexual couple, answered instruments with adequate psychometric properties that allowed them to respond to the objectives. The results showed that CVS is affected by the experience of hurtful events mainly in physical function, emotional role and social function, as well as in vitality and pain. On the other hand, no statistically significant differences were observed in terms of CVS and emotional regulation strategies by type of hurtful event.
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