Marital satisfaction in oncology patients: It’s relationship with hurtful events and the warmth provided by their partners
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Eventos Hirientes
Satisfacción marital
Pareja Cancer
Hurtful events
Marital satisfaction


Cancer affects the quality of life and health of those who suffer from it as well as their partners. Since the couple is a significant bond for people, the experience of hurtful events (HE) or warmth during daily interaction can cause satisfaction and dissatisfaction among its members. Thus, both the perceptions and experiences of cancer patients (CP) and their partners become fundamental in the evaluation of their relationships, so the objectives of this research were: 1) to examine the way in which the experience of HE in the CP and warmth (given by the healthy partner) affects CP satisfaction with their relationship and 2) explore differences and similarities in the experience of HE from CPs, warmth (given by the healthy partner) and satisfaction with the relationship of the CPs based on the time in it, the time of cohabitation with the partner, the marital status and the number of children. Among the main results, it was found that the presence of HE was negatively related to marital satisfaction, while warmth was positively related; and some differences that show there is a greater affective touch in couples with a shorter relationship time. These results are discussed in the light of theory, showing evidence about said variables in the relational context.
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