The importance of resilience and optimism in the healthy behaviors in cancer patients
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Comportamientos saludables
Tiempo de diagnóstico
Cáncer Resilience
Healthy behaviors
Time of diagnosis


Recent research indicates that people's healthy behaviors depend on multiple factors, most notably psychological ones. This is particularly important in the case of people with cancer since part of their evolution derives from these behaviors. The present study had as objectives: 1) explore the relationship between resilience and optimism with healthy behaviors and 2) identify the possible differences of these variables from the time of diagnosis in cancer patients. For this, 196 patients participated (men and women) whose diagnosis time was variable and who responded voluntarily, confidentially and anonymously to the Resilience Scale, the Optimism Scale, and the Healthy Behavior Index. The results show that the ability to achieve goals and organize, confidence in the treatment, family support, positive attitude, self-efficacy, self-confidence and hope helped the patient to develop healthy habits and not fall into risky behaviors. On the other hand, there were observed differences from time of diagnosis in strength, social support, positive attitude, internal control, and caring behaviors, due to the different emotions experienced in each stage, such as depression, uncertainty, or stress.
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