Satisfaction with life, vitality, and positive emotions as protective factors in complicated grief
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Duelo complicado
Satisfacción con la vida
Afecto positivo Complicated grief
Satisfaction with life
Positive affection


Objective: To assess life satisfaction, vitality, positive affection, and the presence of complicated grief in first-degree mourners. Method: a total of 26 mourners, most of them women, aged 19 to 73, responded to the Life Satisfaction, Vitality, and Positive and Negative Affect scales, as well as the Complicated Grief Inventory. Descriptive analyses and the t Pearson and the d Cohen test explored interactions among variables. Results: The participants showed moderate life satisfaction scores, vitality, and positive affection, but a large percentage of them showed complicated grief, mainly men, when the loss had been sudden. Complicated grief was associated with less vitality and positive affection. Conclusions: It is necessary to identify protective factors to develop intervention programs that affect mourners to promote their physical and psychological health.
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