Does parenting style perceived by the child influence childhood overweight or obesity?
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Estilo parental
Obesidad infantil Parental style
Childhood obesity


Introduction: The increase in childhood overweight and obesity has become a global problem in physical and psychological health. This problem has multiple causes, including parental style. Objective: The present study attempted to identify a relationship between parental style and children's perceived own overweight and obesity. Material and Method: Variables' measurements included the Affect Scale (EA) and the Norms and Requirements Scale, responded by children and adolescents. A total of 149 teens aged 12 to 16 years participated, of whom 24 were overweight or obese. Results: The results revealed an absence of significant differences in parental styles from the children's perspective, comparing those with overweight and obesity with those of normal weight. Conclusion: the perception of the parental educational style is not related to the weight of children or adolescents.
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