Mental health in children and adolescents: An exploratory study based in compassionate mindfulness
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Atención plena
Meditación Children


Currently, there is a massive integration of eastern meditation practices in the theory and practice of psychology and psychotherapy. Meditation is used as an instrument to diminish suffering, so ingrained in human nature. In this context, the practice of Mindfulness has reported great benefits in both mental and physical illnesses. This practice leads to positive states of mind promoting a better approach to them, developing better coping strategies, and promoting emotional balance instead of avoidance. People who meditate regularly develop a positive affective disposition and a better ability to cope with negative mood states. The present study constitutes an empirical investigation of qualitative and quantitative nature which aimed to evaluate the effect of a compassionate mindfulness intervention on the mental health of children and adolescents between 6 and 15 years old. The study assessed participants before and after a workshop through a pre-experimental design with a single group. Data analysis used a parametric test to compare two related samples of students enrolled in the meditation workshop in a non-profit organization. Throughout the sessions, it was possible to observe how participants gradually integrated the concepts and techniques taught. Some participants showed increased empathy and compassion toward their peers and desired to help others understand and continue learning. Some participants reported sharing the workshop experiences at home, teaching their parents or siblings to meditate with the mind jar exercise, and the attention to the breathing technique. Results point toward alternative ways to deal with afflictive emotions and the concomitant overflowing reactions.
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