Loneliness, rumination and stress as precursors of subjective well-being in couples of patients with heart disease
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Bienestar subjetivo Cardiopathy
Subjective well- being


Cardiovascular diseases interfere with the daily life of the individual and those around him/her, fostering feelings of loneliness in the patient’s partner. These feelings also relate to increased rumination and stress levels, thus decreasing their subjective wellbeing. The objectives of the present study were to identify: (1) the differences between male and female couples of patients with heart disease, regarding loneliness, rumination, stress, and subjective wellbeing; (2) the relationship between loneliness with rumination and stress and (3) the level of prediction of loneliness, rumination and stress on subjective wellbeing. A total of 130 (65 women and 65 men) who had a relationship with a patient with heart disease from Mexico City participated. The results show that being in a romantic, friendly and cheerful family relationship relates to less rumination, more satisfaction, perceived prosperity in life, and better stress control. These results suggest that loneliness fosters negative feelings associated with a negative evaluation of the surrounding environment and increased excessive physical and emotional burden. However, close relationships function as a source of wellbeing. Results also suggest that disease-related loneliness interacts with perceived quality of life and sense of control in stressful situations and promotes positive emotions. Therefore, care for caregivers is of great relevance since wellbeing and quality of life are compromised when providing support to a sick partner.

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