Definition of suicide and of the thoughts and behaviors related to it: A review
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Ideación suicida
Intento de suicidio
Clasificación Suicide
Suicidal ideation
Suicide attempt


Every year more than 800,000 suicides occur globally, roughly one every 40 seconds. In Mexico, 6,559 suicides were reported in 2017, which showed an increase in the suicide rate, implying a high social-impact phenomenon. Researchers and professionals need to address thoughts and behaviors related to suicide with evidence-based strategies to prevent these trends. Reliable conceptual and operational definitions perform a crucial role toward this purpose as they directly relate to the internal validity of studies in the area. Thus, the objective of this paper was to partially analyze the international research literature on the definition of suicide and various proposals to define the thoughts and behaviors related to this phenomenon. Results point to the three most used related thoughts, which lead to suggestions for health professionals in Mexico.
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